How Long do LED Lights Last?

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LED is an abbreviation for the light-emitting diode. Typically LED Lights last long, more than 50,000 hours on average. This is about 50 times longer than a typical incandescent, 20–25 times longer than a standard halogen, and 8–10 times longer than an ordinary compact fluorescent light (CFL). A 50,000-hour LED will last more than 11 years if used 12 hours a day.

LED lights are up to 90% more efficient than incandescent bulbs at making light. What’s their purpose? When electricity flows through a microchip, it lights up the tiny light sources we call LEDs. This causes light that we can see.

How long do LED lights last?

LED lights are known for lasting long, and many companies put the expected life on the box. This can be anywhere from 5 to 20 years, but the real life of an LED is based on more than just what the manufacturer says. Many things can affect how long an LED will last, such as how hot it is, how often it is used, and whether or not it is run at a higher current than it was designed for. There’s have some factors those may increase or decrease the life span of a LED light.

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Factors related with the life span of LED lights

In reality, an LED light will usually last between 4 and 6 years. For example, an LED light could last ten years, but it might only last eight years if used a lot outside in very hot temperatures. On the other hand, it might last 12 years if it’s kept in a place at room temperature and isn’t used very often. But it’s important to note that even if an LED light lasts as long as the manufacturer says it will, it will still lose brightness over time. This is called “luminous decay.”

More current can shorten the life span of LED lights

Any electrical device has a specific range in which it works, and LED lights are no different. Each LED is made to work with a particular electrical current, the rate at which electricity flows into a circuit.

When an LED bulb is used with a current that is too low, it doesn’t have enough power to give off the light that was expected. But the LED will last longer because it isn’t being used to its total capacity.

But if an LED light is hooked up to a circuit with too much electricity, it will shine brighter to try to use all the power it is getting. This shortens the bulb’s life and can cause the light fixture and LED circuit to overheat and burn out.

Well-made LED light heat sinks increase the life span of LED lights

A heat sink is a part that is often used in electronic devices like computers, cell phones, and LED lights to absorb and disperse excess heat. This cools the internal components and circuitry of the device.

Now that you know what a heat sink is for, it shouldn’t be surprising that LED lights with high-quality heat sinks tend to last longer than the same LED lights with standard or low-quality heat sinks.

The design of the heat sink affects how well it can absorb and spread the heat made when the light is turned on. This also protects the circuitry from high ambient temperatures, which makes these high-quality bulbs a good choice for places where it gets hot.

Exposed to extreme heat may decrease the life span of LED lights

Like most other kinds of electronics, LED lights can get very hot. Most of the time, they are made to be used at room temperature, which is between 65 and 80 degrees. You can also use them in a garage, shed, or outside. Most LED lights, on the other hand, work best when the temperature is below 75 degrees.

Extreme heat also raises the temperature of the semiconducting element inside the LED, which speeds up the rate at which the diodes break down. Despite what most people think, extreme cold does not shorten the life of an LED. Cool temperatures help keep the semiconducting element at a steady temperature, which makes LEDs an excellent choice for colder climates because they last longer.

The use of more current may shorten the life span of LED lights

Any electrical device has a specific range in which it works, and LED lights are no different. Each LED is made to work with a typical electrical current, the rate at which electricity flows into a circuit.

When an LED bulb is used with a current that is too low, it doesn’t have enough power to give off the light that was expected. But the LED will last longer because it isn’t being used to its total capacity.

But if an LED light is hooked up to a circuit with too much electricity, it will shine brighter to try to use all the power it is getting. This shortens the bulb’s life and can cause the light fixture and LED circuit to overheat and burn out.

How to LED lights may last longer?

Even though LED light bulbs last much longer than incandescent bulbs, it’s still essential to ensure that most of the lights are off when you go to bed and that the outdoor lights are off when you wake up. This may seem like a no-brainer, but turning off the lights when they’re not being used will make them last longer. After all, every second the light is on shortens the total life of the LED, so it makes sense to save the light for when it’s needed.

Getting a smart home system or a lighting system set to go off at a specific time is a great way to ensure all the lights are off around the house. This lets the user set a time for the lights to turn off automatically, so you can be sure you’re not wasting electricity or shortening the life of the LED bulbs.

It’s also important to know that turning an LED light on and off a lot does not shorten its life, unlike incandescent and halogen bulbs. No matter how often the light is turned off and on, the LED keeps working or stops working, and its lifespan is shorter by the time it is on.

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