How to sync LED Lights to music Bluetooth?

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Are Christmas decorations missing something? Need help creating a more immersive gaming world? No problem, you need music-synced LED strip lights. While throwing a festival celebration, turn on music strip lights and match the strip color to the theme. The music will pulsate the strips to entertain your companions. Games are more exciting with music-synchronized lighting and powerful sounds. Of course, when you play gentle music and converse with your family on the couch, the strips pulse to a gradual rhythm to enhance the ambience cozier. Here we will talk about how to sync led lights to music Bluetooth!

How to sync LED strip Lights to music Bluetooth?

Most LED lights can’t directly connect to a music source, so they can play in time with the music. Some high-tech LED lights have this feature but are much more expensive and may not work with everything.

The simplest method to sync your LED strip lights (check latest price) with music is to manually process and link your music source to your lights through a controller with some audio trigger. For your LED lights to sync to music, they must have a music mode.

You’ll need the following tools to get started

  • Pliers or wire strippers
  • Soldering iron and some solder

A Guide To Connect Your LED strip Lights To Music

If you want to sync your LED lights to music, you will need three main things. First, you’ll need a pair of LED strip lights that you can trust.

These strip lights should have a case that holds a controller (your second part) with an audio input or trigger. You must buy one separately if your LED lights don’t have a controller.

Lastly, if your music source is too loud for your LED lights, you will need a transformer to safely change the power. This guide will show you how to manually connect your LED strip light, transformer, and an external controller that syncs the LED lights to music.

How to sync LED strip Lights to music (DIY Method + Simple Method + App Method)

You can sync your LED lights to music by following three methods. Here we have described the methods below!

DIY Method

Use a screwdriver to open the power box on your LED lights, or just pull the seal off the power box. You should be allowed to see an open circuit with a wire going to each LED light in the strip.

Carefully remove the seal or solder in which the LED wires meet the circuit in the power supply. Make sure to clean up any extra solder around the ports on the circuit.

Connect the wires of the same color from your controller box to the wires on your LED strip. The easiest way is to strip each wire down to the copper core and wind them together with your fingers or a pair of pliers.

Seal or solder the wires back into their original ports where they came from. Don’t forget to safely seal the power box on your LED light strip power unit.

Connect it to a source of the powered sound. Your controller will have a small microphone built-in or an audio jack that lets it connect to a powered audio source.

Make sure to turn on the music mode on your LED strip lights once your controller is properly linked to your music source. Your lights should now have patterns that go along with the music.

Simple Method

Some LED strip lights have a controller to sync the lights to music. If the lights and music player share the same power source, these audio circuits can sometimes be controlled by music.

You won’t hurt or break your LED lights very much if you check to see if they can do this. You will need a multiplug adapter for your LED lights and music player to share power.

Start by turning on your LED by plugging it into the multiplug adaptor. Turn on the LED strip lights for a few seconds, then turn them off.

Plug your phone, laptop, or another device that plays music into the same multiplug as the LED and play a song.

When you turn on your LED strip light and the music mode, the LED controller should be able to pick up a signal from your playback device and sync the lighting to the music.

App method

Several LED light strips have a feature that lets them be controlled over Bluetooth or a wireless network. Most of these LED light trips come with a remote control that lets you change the amount of light and the music modes.

Start by downloading and setting up the app you want to use to control your LED lights. Some light companies make apps for their lights to work with more devices. A long list of separate mobile apps can also connect to LED lights from far away.

Once you’ve downloaded the app you want to use to sync your LED strip light to music, use the app’s connection method to look for and find the lights (this connection will either be over WIFI or Bluetooth connection)

Your phone’s app should tell you whether your LED lights are connected. Once linked, your LED lights should move in time with the music on your phone or tablet.

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